Our Health Curriculum Statement

As required by legislation the Piripiri School Board is required to prepare a draft statement on the delivery of the health curriculum every two years. The board engages with the community to develop this statement, which is then shared below:

2024 - 2025 Piripiri School

 Health Curriculum Statement

Piripiri School will implement a programme of Health Education based on The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) in a way that is consistent with our school vision of ‘empowering life-long learners together’ and the strategic goals outlined in our school charter. Consultation with whānau has affirmed the importance of our school P.R.I.D.E. values and the need for students to participate in a Health Education programme designed to provide them with the knowledge and skills to enhance their hauora. 

This programme will address the key areas of learning (mental health, sexuality education, food & nutrition, and body care & physical safety) and will be provided by teachers, with some appropriate external support, within a safe and supporting learning environment. The delivery of this programme will be evaluated regularly with the use of teacher reflection and whānau voice to ensure it is meeting the needs of all students and reflects best practice in Health Education.